AuxComm News & Announcements

As temperatures drop, trees start losing leaves and daylight hours decrease, it’s time to prepare for the unique risks fall can bring.

Wildfires continue to burn in Oregon, and as we head into storm season we want to remind people across the state to be prepared in the event of a disaster or emergency, such as landslides, flooding or storm-related power outages.

GOLDEN, Colo. – Nearly 75 percent of the U.S. could experience damaging earthquake shaking, according to a recent U.S. Geological Survey-led team of 50+ scientists and engineers.

Ham radio got positive press!
HONOLULU (KHON2) — The fires on Maui have shone a stark spotlight on the need not only for disaster preparedness, but also for a quick escape that includes much needed essentials.

Our Oregon Disaster Airlift Response Team (ODART) asked for help with a 'Cascadia Disaster Response Exercise' on July 8/9, 2023.

Speakers/Presenters: Scott Honaker, N7SS, Assistant to the WA SWIC Scott Dakers, W7SGD, AUXCOMM, Coordinator

It was a beautiful summer day in Vermont, and Alden Summer Jones was making his way down the Long Trail – America’s oldest hiking trail. It’s a 273-mile trek across the highest mountains in Vermont – across the entire length of Vermont as well – and all without making contact with any cities or towns (though it does cross a few roads).

(TNS) The Daily Record, Wooster, Ohio — Imagine that, all of a sudden, there was no electricity, cell phone service, radio, television, internet or any other methods of communication. What would happen? Is society capable of handling such a scenario?