Testing for all levels of Ham license is available on request.   For information, contact AA7EN.

Smiley ShyPower Point Presentation:  Getting to Know Your Ham Radio! (Click to view pdf.)

 Here's a Power Point training - in pdf format - you can take any time you want, as often as you like. It's an easy, fun review of just the basics for operating your radio, written for the original SEARC Radio Resources class. Just click on the title above. 

Winlink training, available online here: 


EchoLinkNodesEcholink is an easy-to-learn phone app (or pc or laptop program) that allows you to check into your local (home) net no matter where you are! Traveling? Live where you can't hit a local repeater? Echolink works!  You need:

  • an app (many are free) or computer program (downloadable for free)
  • your ham license FRN (listed on the license) in order to get the app or download the program

Our members will post new information here so check back!  Meanwhile, try these links: